National Euphoria Notion
Liberally Speaking:There seems to be a notion (and lie) being pushed by the Traditionalist, most of the Post-Independence Generation and pseudo Patriots for patriotism sake (politicians, looking at you) that you are some how less 'Patriotic' or 'Jamaican' because you don't feel the urge to buy a Jamaica 50 souvenir or go to every event adorned by the 'official' Jamaica 50 logo, and sing praises to our (neo-con) political system for under-utilizing our political independence.This Idea that each Jamaican must divulge in the general mood of this period is just a 'coke' filled reality; constantly bombarded with consumerist ads tugging on our 'hidden' patriotism, beckoning for our monetary contributions, fed nefarious fabrications of unimaginable National Development from both sides of the political divide trying to out do each other in statistics from 62' to now concerning the matter; Traditionalist within the media spewing on airwaves the need for the rebirth of the 'Golden Days' yet sparing over which days were the "Golden Day".
Jamaica's Under Belly
According to the CIA World Fact Book Jamaica's poverty levels at the time of my birth in 1993 may have been 32% down from 34.2% the previous year, if you follow the line from '93 to '02 it was an agonizingly slow process down to 19.7% thats a drop of 13% (1.3% a year). Between '02-'03 there was remarkable drop of 4% from 19.7 to 14.8%, but unfortunately from '03 poverty has been on a steady and unflattering rise at the last report in 2010 poverty was at 17%.The American dream is the chance to own a home and if we were to transpose that crazy idea on Jamaica we would be having a nightmare (Jamaican Nightmare) because a decade after Independence one third of the population are considered squatters (many build houses on illegally captured land).
Hoped you enjoyed that bit of factual journalism (don't get used to it). The understanding that should be drawn from these 'boogeyman' numbers are the same of Former PM. Hon. Edward Seaga whom in a article in the July 8 publication of the Observer titled: Ja has not progressed much in 50 years, says Seaga -like, no duh- he expressed "that we made one step forward and taken one step backward," and also he said "the economy is worse off, the justice system is worse off, the education system is worse off".
If these are the words of a former Prime Minister, can you imagine those of the 17% of Jamaicans living in poverty, nonetheless we continue along the beaten path of selecting politicians who most certainly believe in trickle down effect of Capitalism.
The pure sadism of the moment is unbearably obvious because those pushing the "National Euphoria Notion" are those within the positions of power to employ individuals, create chances and shape futures through legislation but most won't act unless called out. We have left so many out in the raining cold and uncertain of a next meal far too long in this country, neglecting the responsibilities we have to each and stepping on toes without apology. The slums or ghettos aren't formed because of the low educational level of the people living in them or the material used to make a fence and house but by the persons who's shared responsibilities it is to guide a community and its citizens on the path to "Independence".
As a post-independent -1990s- baby with college level education, I grew up in a period of some economic stability (as low and slow, as it was) within downtown communities such as South-side, Eliston Road and Rae-town; where uneducated youth literally littered the streets their brains begging for early childhood education and stomach craving for PATHE paid nourishment that may have lasted half the day. The children of my time embraced the new and changing world that gave us the Internet and Mobile phones, we played with bullets and their handlers were our Robin Hoods.
Its very unfortunate that our politicians should boast about 130,000 and increasing persons being allowed on PATHE, 2 simple reasons why:
- PATHE is a welfare program (needed) and is paid by Tax dollars and not contributions, so it burdens the economy.
- PATHE is structurally flawed and is certainly in need of repairs considering the application process and delivery of funds through mail.
Those communities have not changed alot since my departure some time ago, thankfully I had a mother with strong determination to rise with the best and earned her Masters but it wasn't easy going for the both of us; growing up, I only saw her on weekends and holidays but otherwise she was working and studying so my grandmother graciously took care of me. Yes, I grew conservatively but thought liberally and opened minded (thanks to television, kids).
This years of "Culture Hugging"(formerly tree hugging), where we seem to put culture over our citizens rights and freedoms that tradition may be against, must be placed behind us ; their is such a thing as being over-protective of our Cultural Identity and Traditions, individuals must be allowed to break the chains of "Traditional Ideals" (not all old and bad) and progressively and actively be a member of society without the fear of prosecution and harm (touched on Gay Rights, there).
We should celebrate, reflect and give thanks but keep into consideration our fellow Jamaicans who have been living under substandard and unequal conditions for the 50 years (and more) and have lost faith in Jamaica, Land they used to love.
This years of "Culture Hugging"(formerly tree hugging), where we seem to put culture over our citizens rights and freedoms that tradition may be against, must be placed behind us ; their is such a thing as being over-protective of our Cultural Identity and Traditions, individuals must be allowed to break the chains of "Traditional Ideals" (not all old and bad) and progressively and actively be a member of society without the fear of prosecution and harm (touched on Gay Rights, there).
We should celebrate, reflect and give thanks but keep into consideration our fellow Jamaicans who have been living under substandard and unequal conditions for the 50 years (and more) and have lost faith in Jamaica, Land they used to love.
PS *Reintroducing Civics (as matter of stepping on toes) as a subject in schools is an Idea that I will not put my foot on, because I simply see it as a 'Symbolic' gesture to the Traditionalist.