As the lives of those living and working in Kingston and St Andrew become synchronized with traffic detours, repaired water pipes, high rise buildings and a revitalization of downtown - these major infrastructure works would make any rural citizen like myself ask ‘wah bout us?’
It is not entirely far-fetched to consider that rural development is a back burner or just a side panel issue, many have lamented for years the state of rural communities not in mountainous regions left to in the dark ages literally, still without electricity or indoor plumbing. Communities where farm roads are still donkey tracks and you walk a mile to get public transportation. We rural folk who travel great distances to the nearest major town to access necessary services like utilities, banking, groceries, etc.
Goal 11. Sustainable Cities and Communities of the encourages policies and plans that promote positive and stronger connections between urban, peri-urban and rural areas by linking sectorial policies that affect national, regional and local governments. If we are serious about attaining any success with Vision 2030 and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDGs) then leaving no one behind must become an integral part of our development processes.
While I’m privileged to be living in one of those major scheme developments near Old Harbour, this in itself presents a few challenges for the existing public infrastructure, environment and social fabric of the area. Within the last decade or so there have been at least 4 major phase developments adding to housing stocks in between Spanish Town and May Pen, mostly focused around the town of Old Harbour. The 2 largest being New Harbour Village and Longville Park still adding phases with Colbeck Castle development expecting to add another 8000 homes.
There have been no ‘announcements’ from any public entity on development plans for upgrading the existing infrastructure that supports these newer and older communities, will the water supply and sewage be able to withstand the needs? Will there be road expansions and better traffic management? How will security improve?
With the increased usage of these former farms and “idle” land, we are altering ecological structures as we accelerate the conversion of rural land into urban uses – which becomes environmentally unsustainable. What kind of fauna and flora is being displaced?
The necessary public facilities to maintain human settlement and development also come under extreme pressure, local schools and health facilities cannot handle the volume of students and patients.
When will rural development be in the spotlight and given the sustained effort it deserves?
Where is the Local and Central Government representation?
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